Cruise ships are fun, but if you really want to get up close and personal with the still and deep Norwegian fjords or the wilder coastline, kayaks or canoes are more intimate options

The Helgeland coast in the north­west of Norway is highly regarded as one of the country’s best areas for sea kayaking.The narrow fjords, majestic mountains and a variety of islands provide a really special setting. Here you can find your very own beach, stay in a traditional rorbu (fishermen’s cottage) and experience the local culinary traditions as part of your paddling tour.

If you are rather new to paddling or you prefer quieter waters, you may want to consider the fjords in the west of Norway, for example the UNESCO-­listed Nærøyfjord. The waters are least cold and the sun is at its most warming in July and August, with late sunsets and mild summer nights.

Many Norwegians use their canoes on the many inland lakes and rivers, typically bringing a tent and a camping stove to cook (and perhaps a fishing rod to fetch the main ingredients). Allemansretten, the 1957 Norwegian open air act, states that everyone in Norway has a right of access to the unfenced countryside. In other words, you can camp pretty much anywhere you like in the wilderness for 48 hours, and the surroundings.